Thursday, September 3, 2009

In this edition of my post I would like to highlight features of Word 2010. Though I thought this edition of Word would not have major change from 2007 version of Office 2007. A major step was enhancement of online collaboration and protected mode for documents. This is amazing that on one hand Microsoft is highlighting document protection and on the other it is trying to attract customers with features like background removal tool. Another annoying feature is to just do a simple task like printing you now need to open up a full page screen and go through a lot more new features.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

VOIP Business Solutions

Voip has taken a big flight in recent past specially in the area of voip solutions for business. Biggest advantage that voip based software solutions provides is that they are only limited by technology and monetary cost. Several solutions have emerged over the years ranging from voip PBX systems to automated call management in call centres.
The complexity of these solutions is enourmous and it is amazing what these business solutions can do for a company. Say for example, a small company can run a complete voip solution with independent phone numbers for each employees and no receptionist. Larger companies can go a step further by using gateways to develop a complete comunication network where every employee can be connected with office while keeping the expenses down.
The usual names in business voip software and solutions this time around are not Windows based but more of open source group. Leading solution providers is astrisk, it has been a relaible voip software provider for quite some time and being Linux/Unix based is also very dependable. Microsoft and others are also in this industry but have litle success. Remember having to buy a comunications server and then licenses for each employee as if we are not paying enough everyday to Microsoft.
There are some other business solutions providers such as Cisco and 3CX that have also taken a considerable market share and kept it out of reach of others in this business.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Introduction to Business VOIP

Hi friend,

Welcome to my site on this site and other linked sites you would find information on VOIP technology, Business voip providers, solutions and news.To introduce myself I am an experienced VOIP consultant and this site is all about sharing my knowledge and information with all of you.

VOIP is an acronym for VOICE OVER INTERNET PHONE. It is a means for providing phone service using internet. A normal phone service uses electrical signals to transmit spoken voice however, VOIP service uses digital signals for the same purpose. A basic benefit of Voip service is that it can be accessed anywhere and as long as internet connectivity is available you can call anywhere in the world.

From thousands of years leaders have been good communicators and business owners know that communication systems are the key to business success.

With internet speeds increasing tremendously and economicaly, more and more businesses are now looking at reducing communication costs. A major step in this regard has been use of voip services by businesses. A major advantage of this system is that it does not need traditional hard wired infrastructure and can be monitered and managed by IT Administrators.

Seeing this opportunity many voip service providers emerged during ".com bubble". Initially these service providers used their infrastructure to have voip services established for their clients (hosted pbx). But as the voip revolution grew and took strength many hardware manufacturers emerged that made setting up VOIP services for a company using traditional phone systems a piece of came. Businesses slowly saw the benefits of reduced costs and reliable service thus adopting the system. VOIP was initially made popular by open source revolution that insisted that voip can also be free. However, the main stream caught up and started selling this idea for both hardware and software.

There are many companies that provide voip services, this is a very competitive industry indeed and that makes it even harder to distinguish the good ones. One the contrary software & hardware manufacturers have made this field a very easy implementation for IT professionals.

More to Come .......... In the meanwhile please visit another website that I find useful
1. and
2. More Information on Business VOIP services and Products